
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Goblins at last

These have taken over a month per model, but I'm quite pleased with them.

The goblin with the pointy finger had his arm bent down a bit. I was a bit bored with models pointing into the distance. This one is saying 'come here' or 'bring him here' and is a lot more menacing, I think.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Thomas! It was hard not to keep tampering.

    2. And the bright red hair. And two of them have verdigis don't they?
      I have ticked the box so if you reply I can see if I get it.

    3. It was intended as turquoise, but it works as verdigris too.

  2. Wow! These are lovely (if that's the right word ...). They're all great, but the drummer's my favourite.

  3. Many thanks. Maybe it's his visible face?? It gives him more personality I think.


Grenadier goblin

  My latest project. A Grenadier goblin from 1985, I think. Not sure how I'll proceed, but I've given him a custom oval base. I'...